Pretty print nmap grepable files

2 min readJun 23, 2020


Hello world!

Today I’m sharing with you a bash one-liner I made to more easily read through nmap scan results with the grepable format within your terminal (-oG option or -oA .gnmap file).

Its intended purpose is to display only useful information with indents and colour 😊

Here is how it looks on my kali machine:

And with a quick live demo:

nmapless & nmapcat functions added to .bashrc

The hosts’ status and the filtered ports are striped from the output to only display ‘interesting’ results. This behavior can be useful when you’re going through big network scans and/or when your scan has more than one -’v’ option and reports all ports states.

I’ve made it as a bash function so you can directly paste it in your .bashrc file and simply use it as an alias-like command and give the file(s) you want to read as parameter.

Here it goes:

nmapless() { grep -hv "Status: Down\|Status: Up" $@ |grep "^#\|/open/" |sed s/'\t'/'\n\t'/g |sed s/'\/, '/'\n\t\t'/g |sed s/'Ports: '/'Ports:\n\t\t'/g |grep -v "/closed/\|filtered/" |sed "/Host:/ s=(\(.*\))=($(tput setaf 4)\1$(tput sgr0))=" |sed "s/Host:/$(tput setaf 1)&$(tput sgr0)/g" |sed "/\t\t/ s=\(\t\t[0-9]*\)=$(tput setaf 2)\1$(tput sgr0)=" |awk -F '/' '{OFS=FS; if (NF<2) {print;next} else $7="\033[01;33m"$7"\033[00m";print}' |sed "/OS:/ s= .*=$(tput setaf 5)&$(tput sgr0)=" |sed "s/^#.*/$(tput setaf 6)&$(tput sgr0)/" |less -r;}nmapcat() { grep -hv "Status: Down\|Status: Up" $@ |grep "^#\|/open/" |sed s/'\t'/'\n\t'/g |sed s/'\/, '/'\n\t\t'/g |sed s/'Ports: '/'Ports:\n\t\t'/g |grep -v "/closed/\|filtered/" |sed "/Host:/ s=(\(.*\))=($(tput setaf 4)\1$(tput sgr0))=" |sed "s/Host:/$(tput setaf 1)&$(tput sgr0)/g" |sed "/\t\t/ s=\(\t\t[0-9]*\)=$(tput setaf 2)\1$(tput sgr0)=" |awk -F '/' '{OFS=FS; if (NF<2) {print;next} else $7="\033[01;33m"$7"\033[00m";print}' |sed "/OS:/ s= .*=$(tput setaf 5)&$(tput sgr0)=" |sed "s/^#.*/$(tput setaf 6)&$(tput sgr0)/";}

I also made a commented version of each piped command here:

You can naturally tune it to your needs and wishes: display hosts status, display filtered and closed ports, change colours, etc.

Feedback is welcome 😀 I hope you’ll like it !




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